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Enrico Martinuzzi | all galleries >> Contrasts, Appearances and Equilibriums >> Black & White > Golf Moon
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Golf Moon

Looking to the past few pictures I posted, I am definitely in a "dark" mood :)

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Guest 22-Oct-2009 10:44
great shot !!! somehow like a half-moon !
Joanne Kamo11-Jul-2008 06:37
Fabulous lighting to bring out the different shades! V
akleja08-Jul-2007 09:00
Fantastic use of light and shade!
Guest 21-May-2007 10:55
Clever image
Laryl30-Mar-2007 23:15
very cool!
Chris Sofopoulos29-Mar-2007 09:02
I like this play of light and shadow!
Linda Alstead27-Mar-2007 20:20
yes - terrific, very 'lunar'
Fong Lam27-Mar-2007 15:52
Looks like a moon with craters.........well done!
Terri Steele27-Mar-2007 14:10
This is fantastic... you are a true artist!!!! ;)
Adalberto Tiburzi27-Mar-2007 13:10
Love the lone lit exagon ;-)
Luca Zanoni27-Mar-2007 13:04
Long you live and high you fly
And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry
And all you touch and all you see
Is all your life will ever be.
Guest 27-Mar-2007 12:39
Great shot
Guest 27-Mar-2007 12:25
Nicely done... I almost thought it was a moon