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Enrico Martinuzzi | all galleries >> Contrasts, Appearances and Equilibriums >> Linee > Green ripples
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Green ripples

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villette18-Oct-2010 19:09
superbe graphisme!
lou_rozensteins11-Mar-2010 22:58
An interesting pattern. Well done.
olivier bruning30-Dec-2009 09:15
awesome abstract! BV
Buba Jafarli02-Jul-2009 12:14
Love this abstract!
Andrys Basten10-Mar-2008 11:14
Very 3-Dimensional!
ofer zilberstein02-Feb-2008 09:38
Superb shot V
Juha-Pekka Kervinen31-Dec-2007 10:31
Wonderful pattern. I like the way those little waves at bottom left corner break the pattern. voted.
blu10-Oct-2007 19:59
great abstract! a really nice shot!
pep28-Sep-2007 16:10
Love it. The order of the lines to be broken by the ripples. V
laine8226-Jun-2007 21:13
Hot water bottle ?? great shot ~v
Yves Rubin26-Feb-2007 19:26
A definite eye twister! Intriguing and hypnotic!
Guest 02-Feb-2007 21:30
Wonderfully graphic!
I like scrolling up and down but I've gotten dizzy now. LOL
Guest 02-Feb-2007 20:51
I love the ripples effect. Great abstract. v
angelique raptakis22-Jan-2007 04:26
fantastic lines and use of light/shadow. v
Guest 11-Jan-2007 20:42
Wonderful abstract.
Bill Robinson27-Dec-2006 11:51
I'm stumped as to what it is, but it is fascinating !
Guest 11-Dec-2006 08:01
A hot water bottle perhaps? Very well seen whatever it is!