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Enrico Martinuzzi | profile | all galleries >> Contrasts, Appearances and Equilibriums >> Colore tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


La pura e semplice emozione del colore, senza un significato, senza un perche`, ma piu` intensa quanto piu` intenso e` la sua saturazione.

The pure and simple emotion of colour, without any specific meaning, without a reason, but the more intense the more saturated the colour is…

A touch of Blue
A touch of Blue
Psychedelic Moon
Psychedelic Moon
Blue Light Cannon
Blue Light Cannon
Chrysanthemum II
Chrysanthemum II
Autumn's colours III
Autumn's colours III
Autumn's colours VIII
Autumn's colours VIII
Sunflower II
Sunflower II
Drops on pink
Drops on pink