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edwin | profile | all galleries >> faces >> my sa5 colleagues >> yr 2003.. 05 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

yr 2003.. 05

03 02 #33 Phoenix #33 #33 03 04 #33Bis Berlin #33Bis #33Bis boat tour. happy bunch. #33Bis boat tour organizer relaxing 03 05 #34 Sophia Antipolis
#34 #34 not the choir boys #34 #34 #34 #34 03 07 #34Bis Cork #34Bis
#34Bis 03 08 #35 Sophia Antipolis chairman said we needed a late session ! #35 #35 Days work well done #35 03 10 #35Bis New Orleans #35Bis
#35Bis #35Bis 03 11 #36 Shanghai #36 #36 #36 #36 #36
#36 #36 #36 #36 #36 #36 #36 #36
#36 04 01 ##36Bis Vancouver 36Bis 04 02 #37 Malaga #37 #37 #37 #37
#37 meeting is over.  ready for a walking tour around town. #37 #37 04 03 #37Bis Sophia Antipolis #37Bis testing testing #37Bis #37Bis
#37Bis #37Bis #37Bis #37Bis #37Bis #37Bis #37Bis #37Bis
#37Bis #37Bis sea food restaurant in canne #37Bis #37Bis white wine working... #37Bis 04 05 #38 Beijing #38 another temple #38
#38 #38 #38 04 06 #38Bis Sophia Antipolis #38Bis 04 08 #39 Montreal #39 let's see now... where should the camera go... what is across the street ?
i am not joking... can't hold it with my 2 hands... #39 #39 dont touch ; i am not sharing ! #39 #39 dr li and the gang in old montreal #39 #39
#39 #39 04 09 #39Bis Sophia Antipolis #39Bis #39Bis #39Bis #39Bis #39Bis
04 11 #40 Sanya, Hainan #40 #40 #40 #40 so let me la la... no, i said, let the mic go...  Suzelle, sanya #40 #40
#40 #40 #40 #40 #40 #40 #40 the A-team #40
#40 boys night out 05 01 #41 Lisbon #41 #41 #41 #41 #41 05 05 #42 Montreal
#42 #42 #42 #42 #42 #42 05 06 #42Bis Sophia Antipolis #42Bis
#42Bis #42Bis #42Bis dinner at the local golf course #42Bis the newly elected management team #42Bis #42Bis #42Bis #42Bis
#42Bis #42Bis #42Bis 05 08 #43 Bordeaux #43 #43 05 11 #44 Shenzhen #44
#44 THE match... moto vs huawei #44 ``How I got beaten so badly last nite... #44