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Ed Squires | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Winter 2009 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Winter 2009

Some seasonal photos from winter 2009 in Central Indiana, USA. A few are essentially snapshots to capture some of the great storm of late January which hit much of the central and northeastern US. Not intended as "specimen" images representative of the camera's (or the photographer's) best work. Enjoy.

Copyright 2009 Edward C. Squires - please don't reproduce or link without permission.
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Snow still falling on the west suburbs.
Snow still falling on the west suburbs.
The snow catches the colors of the year round patio lights.
The snow catches the colors of the year round patio lights.
Plowed snow approaches 4' in the lawns.
Plowed snow approaches 4' in the lawns.
Streets and driveways are finally cleared by late evening.
Streets and driveways are finally cleared by late evening.
The skies have cleared and starlight shines over the snow cover.
The skies have cleared and starlight shines over the snow cover.
Winter LED landscape lights contrast with the warmth of a cozy scene.
Winter LED landscape lights contrast with the warmth of a cozy scene.
Fresh snow on the quad - IUPUI
Fresh snow on the quad - IUPUI
Campus ramparts - IUPUI
Campus ramparts - IUPUI
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