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Jerry Burgess | profile | all galleries >> Travels Around The World - 2006 >> Sri Lanka - June 2006 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Sri Lanka - June 2006

In Colombo for a couple of days after a month in India. A return to the reasonably priced Cinnamon Grand Hotel and a quick jaunt to Majestic City for some dvd's and computer games before turning my attention to a bit of work. Rickshaw drivers are just as mad as in India and traffic has rather more of a problem with the concept of "flowing" than it did the last time I visited. To be fair, though, that may be in part because of the extra security checks in place following the assassination of a high-level military man. Anyway, smiles abound for miles around...and that fosters a welcoming atmosphere.

I had planned on spending the afternoon of Friday 30th June doing a bit of sight-seeing and giving the camera a good workout but unfortunately fell quite ill and spent most of the day stuck in my hotel. Them's the breaks!
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Good Morning.JPG