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Jerry Burgess | profile | all galleries >> Travels Around The World - 2006 >> Pakistan - January & February 2006 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Pakistan - January & February 2006

A visit to Pakistan in late January and early February took in Karachi, Riwapaldi, Islamabad, and Lahore. The stay in Riwapaldi was an unscheduled departure to our itinerary owing to the fact that the Pakistani government had requisitioned our rooms in Islamabad during the time the Saudi Arabian king visited. Stayed at Pearl Continental hotels in each city (not bad), except Islamabad where the Marriott came to the rescue with fantastic rooms and, importantly, a bar...with free pool tables...and huge screens to take in a match or two. Lahore had some good quality dvd's at pretty decent prices - on a par with Malaysian quality...when they work!

This brief gallery does not fairly reflect the diversity of scenery, buildings, people and attitudes in Pakistan. Unfortunately, I did not have the opportunity to experience and capture anything other than you see here. Perhaps next time?

By the way, although I don't have the photo's to prove it I did see Bryan Adams on the plane on the way in...and used the toilet immediately after him. I was not star struck!
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Bus Fuss.JPG
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Water Feature.JPG
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Rider Haggard.JPG
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Passing Palace.JPG
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Oh The Irony.JPG
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Hip N Happening.JPG
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Pass Me By.JPG