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John Hastings | all galleries >> Classic >> Besides itself > Strangely fascinating
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29-MAR-2006 IMG_0945.jpg

Strangely fascinating

silhouette of fellow passenger's chin. The guy sat across the ailse from me during
a six hour flight. In the end I just HAD to record it. So what if I am obsessive?

Canon PowerShot SD500
1/200s f/4.9 at 23.1mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Bill Warren24-Feb-2007 23:59
Great fun with this presentation -- and to think you snuck it.
Soenda05-Oct-2006 09:00
This photo really struck me when I saw it among the Show and Tell silhouettes. There are so many sensual photos of women floating around. When something as "visually tactile" as this shot turns up, it's cause for acclaim. The contrast between the parts of the profile with hair, and the lips is quite striking.

I'm very glad you posted it at S&T so that I could find it.