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John Hastings | all galleries >> Classic >> Besides itself > eShadow
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Guest 22-Jun-2006 06:12
Great capture. Simple but dramatic and interesting, especially love the shadow lines at the bottom.
Ken Crowder23-Apr-2006 20:07
Wonderful shadow play! Very magnetic image and composition. Ken
Guest 08-Dec-2005 10:25
I love this one. Very crisp and effective.
ac11-Mar-2005 07:47
Well thought, well done.
Guest 17-Feb-2005 16:46
Thanks for the nice comments the other day. Anyhow, i love this picture. Very nice capture. Kind of a spooky overtone on this one.
Guest 11-Feb-2005 18:28
Really nice shapes in this one
John Hastings21-Oct-2004 15:50
That’s exactly right. I shot in colour so the image was desaturated in Photoshop as well as cropped and rotated clockwise by about 95 degrees.
Donald Verger21-Oct-2004 15:00
i llove how powerful and gracful the shadow is, was it shot horizontally with a low sun?