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Earl Harrison | profile | all galleries >> Galapagos Wildlife 2021 >> DAY 10 - San Cristobal tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

DAY 10 - San Cristobal

This is the easternmost and geologically oldest island in the archipelago. All three species of boobies nest on the island as well as the endemic San Cristobal (Chatham) Mockingbird. A morning landing at Punta Pitt allowed us to hike to the interior. In the afternoon we landed on the beach at Cerro Brujo and found sleeping Sea Lions, Galapagos' Oystercatcher, and the endemic mockingbird.
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Blue-footed Booby
Blue-footed Booby
Red-footed Booby
Red-footed Booby
Red-footed Booby
Red-footed Booby
Blue-footed Booby with begging young
Blue-footed Booby with begging young
Blue-footed Booby with begging young
Blue-footed Booby with begging young
Blue-footed Booby with begging young
Blue-footed Booby with begging young
Blue-footed Booby with begging young
Blue-footed Booby with begging young
Blue-footed Booby with begging young
Blue-footed Booby with begging young
Lava Lizard
Lava Lizard
Lava Lizard
Lava Lizard
Lava Lizard
Lava Lizard
Lava Lizard
Lava Lizard
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