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Earl Arboneaux | all galleries >> Gumbo of Photos >> Picture - A - Day 2012 > Wild Thing
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26-FEB-2012 Earl Arboneaux, Jr

Wild Thing


New baby egret on nest..

Canon EOS 7D ,Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS USM
1/800s f/7.1 at 500.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Milan Vogrin01-Jun-2012 12:55
Buz Kiefer31-May-2012 21:23
Perfect. :)
Lori Rolfe31-May-2012 20:45
Ha! Love it! V
pkocinski29-May-2012 12:15
OMG what a fabulous image of this chick!
William Barletta29-May-2012 01:57
It's too wild for me. What is it?
A J Adams29-May-2012 00:28
Great shot.
De'Carr Studio28-May-2012 15:07
Love that Wild Hair-Do! Super catch!
fredrcox28-May-2012 14:23
Great shot, Earl!
Jola Dziubinska28-May-2012 13:11
Straight from the Muppet Show! Hilarious find and great capture, Earl :) Vote.