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Dave Werner | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Beautiful Wasteland... Autumn in Scotland's Northern and Western Isles tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Beautiful Wasteland... Autumn in Scotland's Northern and Western Isles

A few photos from my recent trip to Shetland, Orkney, Inverness, and the Outer Hebrides.

The gallery's title is from a song by the Scottish group Capercaillie.

The complete set of 571 images can be seen at:

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Thank you for dropping by. - All photos © Dave Werner 2005

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The Laird of Bressay and Noss lives in the house seen in the distance. Gannets (twenty thousand at last count) inhabit Noss' eastern cliffs in September. A gull and minke whale, northeast of Bressay. Built in the 14th century, St. Magnus is still Kirkwall's tallest building.
H.M.S. Royal Oak Memorial Art students sketching in the flag draped nave of St. Magnus Cathedral. St. Magnus seen from the ruin of the Bishop's Palace. I can't say for sure... but the Shapinsay Ferry sure looks like a converted LST (Landing-Ship-Tank).
Balfour Castle (now a hotel). Helliar Holm Lighthouse, 1893, the work of Stevenson Engineers. This abandoned fixer upper near the Highland Park distillery gave me a silly idea... The Highland Park distillery has two resident cats: Barley and Malt.  (Your guess is as good as mine.)
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