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Dave Thomas | profile | all galleries >> Out and About in Southeastern PA >> Montgomery County >> Souderton tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Souderton - Montgomery County, Pennsylvania USA

This gallery has been started after a visit to a Concert Sundaes in the Park event in the rather nice community park in this town a few miles east of Ye Olde Photographer. This particular event featured music by the award winning North Pennsmen, a mens' chorus and barbershop group. They put on a nice show with lots of good music. One of the quartet subsets had recently won a state competition. The Sunday evening concerts are enhanced with ice cream (from Rosenberger's, a local dairy) and other refreshments sold by volunteers for the benefit of various local non-profits.

This particular evening had the added benefit of a show, by Celebration Fireworks, quite a spectacular show actually, with accompaniment of recorded music. All enhanced by a view of the "Super Moon" peeking out from the clouds on the southern horizon.

We have intent to expand this gallery, as there are some historic structures in the downtown on the main street paralleling the former Bethlehem Branch of the Reading Railroad. There is no longer passenger service, but the station has been adaptively reused as a restaurant.

(For the fireworks photos, Y.O.P. should have studied the manual for his Canon G15 a bit more - and brought a tripod - maybe even a cable release! But next time we'll do better!)

Winning Quartet
Winning Quartet
The Crowd
The Crowd
Ice Cream Line
Ice Cream Line
Art Display
Art Display
Distant Stage View
Distant Stage View
Gourmet Flavors
Gourmet Flavors
Hand Dipped Ice Cream
Hand Dipped Ice Cream
The Chorus
The Chorus
Full Chorus
Full Chorus
Star Spangled Banner
Star Spangled Banner
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