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Dave Thomas | profile | all galleries >> Out and About in Southeastern PA >> Montgomery County >> 4-H Fair 2013 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

4-H Fair 2013

The Montgomery County (Pennsylvania) 4-H Fair is an annual event held at the Farm, Home and 4-H Center in Creamery. The venue is an adaptively re-used public school building that also houses a Penn State Extension Service office. Over the years this sizable property has been enhanced with gardens, show rings and shelters as well as rooms in the former school outfitted for sewing and other activities.

Ye Olde Photographer visited on a Thursday evening which was the opening day of the fair. In addition to feeding his face with some sinful fair food (fair fare?), he got to see quite a collection of critters and see the swine showing - appropriate after pigging out on sausage sandwiches and funnel cakes, etc!

People Power
People Power
Fabric Sale
Fabric Sale
Fabric Fondlers
Fabric Fondlers
Furry Friends
Furry Friends
Take me home!
Take me home!
g9/93/463093/3/151776337.tv4Fw8Sj.jpg g9/93/463093/3/151776338.JRKUO0vX.jpg g9/93/463093/3/151776339.STTez3er.jpg Petting Pal
Petting Pal
Feathered Friends
Feathered Friends
A Redhead!
A Redhead!
g9/93/463093/3/151776348.DoDaPSyV.jpg Quack!
g9/93/463093/3/151776350.vqS7JTzs.jpg Large Asian Rooster
Large Asian Rooster
Oink in White
Oink in White
Sheared Sheep
Sheared Sheep
Spotted Pigs
Spotted Pigs
Sleeping Sausages
Sleeping Sausages
g9/93/463093/3/151776357.HVi1Al6E.jpg Hello!
Horseback Ride
Horseback Ride
Bovine Critter
Bovine Critter
Cow Critters
Cow Critters
Dairy Goats
Dairy Goats
Where's the Boss?
Where's the Boss?
Got Milk?
Got Milk?
USS Kittyboo
USS Kittyboo
Thursday Evening
Thursday Evening
Pig Parade
Pig Parade
Root Root Snort!
Root Root Snort!
Ring Drill
Ring Drill
g9/93/463093/3/151776395.AEEtxRKa.jpg g9/93/463093/3/151776396.awWUM0ni.jpg g9/93/463093/3/151776397.bS94Vead.jpg Belted Pig
Belted Pig
g9/93/463093/3/151776399.pKvHStKS.jpg Judging
g9/93/463093/3/151776401.TMCzuCpo.jpg Judge Checking
Judge Checking
Serious Swineherding
Serious Swineherding
g9/93/463093/3/151776406.O6BqyiWZ.jpg Live Music!
Live Music!
Funnel Cake
Funnel Cake