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Maidencreek 2017

The Maidencreek Old Time Music Festival

Sunday, July 9, 2017.

A get-together featuring master classes, workshops, and an assortment of mini-concerts, plus a grand finale at the end. There was good and reasonably priced food prepared and served by the local Lions Club. The event is held in Blandon, Pennsylvania, in the Maier's Grove Park, a Lions Club facility that offers on-site parking, a number of covered spaces and a nice tree shaded space to enjoy the out of doors. A modest admission fee covers parking and access to observe and enjoy the music. There are extra (but still very reasonable) charges for participating in master classes and workshops. Efforts are targeted at fiddle, guitar, banjo and voice, but there appeared to be some mountain dulcimers and an autoharp around too.

There is a schedule of multiple activities going on from mid-morning until the end of the afternoon and one can wander and enjoy the sights and sounds. The food is available into the evening when there is a concert featuring the instructors.

For info on future festival events, use this link. The festival also has a Facebook page.

Having something else on the calendar for midday, Ye Olde Photographer did not get there until mid-afternoon but was able to see and hear enough to be impressed. He and his Faire Spouse stayed and had sandwiches for supper and then enjoyed the final concert event. The park is adjacent to the former Reading Railroad East Penn Branch, which runs between Reading and Allentown. YOP, who enjoys railroad stuff, was pleased to see a number of Norfolk-Southern freights go by during the afternoon. The weather could hardly have been better if it was custom ordered!

Maier's Grove
Maier's Grove
Fiddle Master Class
Fiddle Master Class
g10/93/463093/3/165810775.KPtkm7q6.jpg The Druckenmillers
The Druckenmillers
On Banjo
On Banjo
On Autoharp
On Autoharp
Scheduled Jam
Scheduled Jam
Evening Concert
Evening Concert
g10/93/463093/3/165810781.kRI0nwGN.jpg Norfolk Southern
Norfolk Southern
Early Evening
Early Evening
Container Train
Container Train