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Dave Thomas | all galleries >> Photos, Gear, etc., Past & Present >> Active Photo Gear >> Canon G15 > Convertible Strap
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Convertible Strap

Ye Olde Photographer has been looking for this for a while. The G15 comes with a nice neck strap,
but it has no quick releases and is a pain to switch. Behold, the Crumpler "Hitch" is set up like the
Canon EOS Pro strap but on a much smaller scale. The connector loops have one male and one female so
they may be snapped together to create a short hand strap. Configured that way, the camera will fit
into a small belt pouch, or it avoids dangling straps on a tripod. With a couple of clicks, a section
of wider strap can be inserted which goes around the neck with the camera at about mid-chest
level. That's something Y.O.P. wished for when he was hiking in Shenandoah last Thanksgiving.

Canon EOS 40D ,Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM
(E9760) 0.3s f/16.0 at 100.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto