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Dave Thomas | profile | all galleries >> Photos, Gear, etc., Past & Present >> Active Photo Gear >> Argus C-3 >> Argust 18th, 2018 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Argust 18th, 2018

This year we loaded the C-3 with a 36-exposure roll of Kodak 125PX to venture out in weather ranging from cloudy bright to hazy sun. Ye Olde Photographer intended to look for some architectural or mechanical details and see what might happen. He began in his back yard with some shots of his "firewood project" a serious amount of work as we deal with the Emerald Ash Borer.

Following that we headed out in the car and decided to stop at the post office and check the mailbox. Whoah! Some major demolition was happening. A building across the road had been a general store, once had gas pumps in front of it, and when YOP moved to the area, the Post Office was located in a room attached to the building. YOP believes the stone (and presumably original) portion is to be restored and saved. The major section in the front, the former store, though it looked like plastered stone was stucco over frame and likely beyond saving. Anyway, caught a bit of the action there.

YOP then drove up to Macungie, closer to the Lehigh Valley portion of Pennsylvania. There the town has constructed a beautiful small park with a fountain and huge array of flowers maintained by some volunteers who obviously understand a lot about gardening. The park occupies a triangular plot of land where PA Route 100 crosses the Norfolk-Southern railroad. The rail line was the former Reading Railroad East Penn Branch. Adjacent to the park is a Train Watching Platform! Yes, you read that correctly. It is a shelter, open around the sides, with benches and some plastic chairs. The building is cleverly styled in the general shape of a small passenger station, repleat with a suggestion of a ticket window. There was a passenger station there decades back.

After two trains (there are around thirty a day on this busy freight line), Ye Olde Photographer was feeling hungry and wandered further north on Route 100 to find some fast food. He then decided to cut southwestward to Alburtis, another town on this branch line where there is a park containing structures from Lock Ridge Furnace, a hot blast iron making enterprise that ran from after the Civil War era to about 1920.

The film was developed in Kodak HC110, Dilution H (1+63) for 9:45 minutes at 69ºF. The "official" submissions from multiple participants may eventually be seen through the Argus Collectors Group site.

As frequently happens with the extremely manual C-3, there was a double exposure and a couple of skipped frames, but we did come home with visible images, although YOP was generally disappointed. Don't know if it was the old film, old camera — or old photographer! But we were able to extract some recognizable images with the scanner, so it is hereby declared a successful Argus Day! YOP would not particularly look forward to trying to make darkroom prints from these negatives. A selection of the results follows. The color shots at the bottom of the page are courtesy of YOP's iPhone — the Flower Park surely deserves color.

Prep for Winter
Prep for Winter
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g10/93/463093/3/168018164.NJgv7Gxz.jpg Macungie
g10/93/463093/3/168018166.w2XpfmQ9.jpg Sure Enough!
Sure Enough!
g10/93/463093/3/168018169.XPVLx5qo.jpg Flower Park
Flower Park
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g10/93/463093/3/168018175.9l38yoKu.jpg g10/93/463093/3/168018176.22ayOkAk.jpg Lock Ridge
Lock Ridge
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A C-3 Hazard
A C-3 Hazard
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g10/93/463093/3/168018185.BFf1b5qM.jpg g10/93/463093/3/168018186.HmeLr10X.jpg Macungie Flower Park
Macungie Flower Park
g10/93/463093/3/168018188.eVzXHiF9.jpg C-3 on Location
C-3 on Location