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Duncan | all galleries >> Fractal Images >> Fractal Flowers > Mandelbrot flower
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Mandelbrot flower

This is a Mandelbrot set fractal, plotted in 3D using Distance Estimates for the height data.

The plot was rendered using FractalWorks, a high performance fractal renderer for Macintosh computers.

Here is the plot info:
Maximum iterations:10000
Center Point (real, imaginary):-0.1702933228, 0.65667605362 i
Plot Width (real):3.5E-09

If you have FractalWorks 0.5.0 or later, you can recreate a 2D version of this fractal by clicking the following link:

Fractalworks plot Mandel flower

The 3D image used the following settings:

Plot height: 1
Peak steepness: 0.5
Flip plot: yes
Camera x: 0
Camera y: 0
Camera z: -0.46

Light settings:
Ambient: 0.53
Directional: 0.72
Specular: 0.1
Shininess: 1
direction x: 1.25
direction y: -1.02
direction z: 2.84

other sizes: small medium large original auto