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East Africa '06 - Showcase

The best images from my East Africa Overland trip May/June 06. 3598 kms through Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Rwanda in the back of a truck! I'll also try and post the more general trip images in another gallery for friends and family. If you like these images please consider giving a donation to the Soft Power Education Project in Uganda - a volunteer based charity helping to refurbish schools and health centres in Uganda -

All images taken with Canon EOS 300D and Sigma 18-125mm and 70-300mm Non-APO lenes.
Majestic Lion, Tanzania What you lookin' at? Female (?!) Lion, Tanzania Peter Soft Power Education Project, Jinga Uganda Eileen Soft Power Education Project, Jinga Uganda
AIDS Orphan, Soft Power Education Project, Jinga Uganda Charles Umbano Gorilla Group, Parc De Virungas, Rwanda Dust on the road to Lake Bunyoni! Ntakibazo Umbano Gorilla Group, Parc De Virungas, Rwanda
Impala, Lake Nakuru NP, Kenya Crazy Lizard! - Baboon Point, Nakuru NP, Kenya Lake Naivasha Sunset - Kenya Local Child, Near the NRE campsite, Jinja, Uganda
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