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g9/12/17612/3/150919999.i89kYaU9.jpg g9/12/17612/3/150920087.qn6NVJOb.jpg view of Hong Kong
view of Hong Kong
g9/12/17612/3/158382448.p8Q7kxIU.jpg g9/12/17612/3/163926970.AQgvqPT7.jpg g9/12/17612/3/164016893.J55fJnzO.jpg Singapore River, Boat Quay
Singapore River, Boat Quay
Above the Typhoon Shelter
Above the Typhoon Shelter
g10/12/17612/3/165677583.yqeJdwMQ.jpg Dawn in the Typhoon Shelter
Dawn in the Typhoon Shelter
Portrait of a Singapore River Boatman
Portrait of a Singapore River Boatman
Bird Men, Aberdeen Village, Hong Kong
Bird Men, Aberdeen Village, Hong Kong
Singapore Polo Club
Singapore Polo Club
Kowloon view,  fog and mist flowing over the peaks
Kowloon view, fog and mist flowing over the peaks
Sunset in the Typhoon Shelter, Aberdeen Hong Kong Island
Sunset in the Typhoon Shelter, Aberdeen Hong Kong Island
Portrait on the Peak.  Hong Kong Island
Portrait on the Peak. Hong Kong Island
Jellyfish, Aberdeen Typhoon Shelter, Hong Kong
Jellyfish, Aberdeen Typhoon Shelter, Hong Kong
Singapore Wombats Aussie Rules Football
Singapore Wombats Aussie Rules Football