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Dale Stanton | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Flora tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map


This is a collection of flowers, blossoms, and other plant life.

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Morning Glory - IMG_4810.JPG
Morning Glory - IMG_4810.JPG
Knockout Rose - IMG_3528.JPG
Knockout Rose - IMG_3528.JPG
Colorful - IMG_2712.JPG
Colorful - IMG_2712.JPG
Eye See - IMG_2704.JPG
Eye See - IMG_2704.JPG
Straying - IMG_2708.JPG
Straying - IMG_2708.JPG
Dianthus - IMG_1734.JPG
Dianthus - IMG_1734.JPG
Knock Out Rose - IMG_1724.JPG
Knock Out Rose - IMG_1724.JPG
Marigolds - IMG_1782.JPG
Marigolds - IMG_1782.JPG
Petunias - IMG_1731.JPG
Petunias - IMG_1731.JPG
Dianthus Emerging - IMG_0932.JPG
Dianthus Emerging - IMG_0932.JPG
Knockout - IMG_0882.JPG
Knockout - IMG_0882.JPG
LCP - IMG_8957.JPG
LCP - IMG_8957.JPG
Stab Wound? - IMG_8687.JPG
Stab Wound? - IMG_8687.JPG
Stages - IMG_8279.JPG
Stages - IMG_8279.JPG
Yellow Gold - IMG_7069.JPG
Yellow Gold - IMG_7069.JPG
Sunshine - IMG_7068.JPG
Sunshine - IMG_7068.JPG
Moss Rose - IMG_7064.JPG
Moss Rose - IMG_7064.JPG
Sunflowers - IMG_3911.JPG
Sunflowers - IMG_3911.JPG
Sunshine - IMG_3920.JPG
Sunshine - IMG_3920.JPG
Flower - IMG_1501.JPG
Flower - IMG_1501.JPG
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