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Dale Stanton | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Trains, Planes, and Automobiles tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Trains, Planes, and Automobiles

Anything to do with vehicles will be here in this gallery.

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T-28 Trojans in Formation
T-28 Trojans in Formation
T-6 Texan
T-6 Texan
T-6 Texan Trainer
T-6 Texan Trainer
T-6 Texan
T-6 Texan
Helldiver in Flight
Helldiver in Flight
Helldiver Lowers Its Wings
Helldiver Lowers Its Wings
Taxiing Helldiver
Taxiing Helldiver
Helldiver's Gun
Helldiver's Gun
Beech T-34 end of Loop.jpg
Beech T-34 end of Loop.jpg
T-6 Texan Trainer
T-6 Texan Trainer
T-6 Texan
T-6 Texan
Iron Horse Hoof
Iron Horse Hoof
CAP Plane
CAP Plane
Chevy Streetrod Hood Ornament
Chevy Streetrod Hood Ornament
1963 Impala
1963 Impala
Ornament 4
Ornament 4
Chevy Ornament 2
Chevy Ornament 2
Hood Ornament 2
Hood Ornament 2
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