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David A. Straight | profile | all galleries >> Sigma Lens Tests 28-70 EX f/2.8 >> canon_vs_sigma tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Comparison shots where taken within one or two minutes of each other. My camera (D60) was set in manual mode so that each shot to be compared had the same amount of exposure. I did not use a tripod since my shutter speeds where very fast (1/1000 sec for the photo showing the deck and 1/2000 of a sec for the photo showing the hillside). Object distance of the hillside is way over 100 feet and object distance for the deck is over 30 feet.
Canon 24-70mm f/2.8 L
Canon 24-70mm f/2.8 L
Sigma 28-70 EX
Sigma 28-70 EX
Canon 24-70mm f/2.8 L
Canon 24-70mm f/2.8 L
Sigma 28-70 EX
Sigma 28-70 EX
Top two: Canon Bottom two: Sigma
Top two: Canon Bottom two: Sigma
Left: Canon, Right: Sigma
Left: Canon, Right: Sigma
Top two: Canon Bottom two: Sigma
Top two: Canon Bottom two: Sigma