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Master day - Sak Yant Temple Tattoos

Sak Yant/Sakyan is the Thai name for the Tattooing of Sacred geometrical designs on the skin. Yant (or Yantra, as we call them in the west), are normally tattooed by Buddhist monks, or Brahmin Holy men . The Yant tattoos have developed over the centuries under the influence of several different things
The Yantra designs that already existed in Hindu India were adapted by the Thais as Buddhism arrived from neighbouring India.
The wars of the Kingdom in the past - especially during times of King Somdej Pranaresworn maharaj the warriors relied on yant magic for protection in Battle.
The Khmers influenced the lettering of the Yant, their form of Sanskrit being famous for its magical powers - the Khmer were extremely feared by the Thais for their powerful magic spells.

The tattoos are said to have magical powers against knife and bullet wounds. Thus, the tattoos are popular with soldiers, policemen and, above all, members of Thailand’s underworld.

Wat Tong Nai, On Nut, Sukhumvit.

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Master day 2009
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