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david procter | all galleries >> Galleries >> monotone digital > Railway girl
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Railway girl

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Keith Goldstein07-Jun-2007 02:06
An excellent, compelling image. ~V~
Guest 26-Feb-2007 16:12
ffantastic shot - V
david lopezarias19-Feb-2007 18:13
lovely image. ten points!
Guest 13-Feb-2007 06:29
very powerful portrait!...

well done !

carol j. phipps03-Feb-2007 19:07
fred_il26-Jan-2007 14:55
Rob Rosetti22-Jan-2007 17:50
Outstanding portrait! Nice background!
jude19-Oct-2006 12:46
Excellent in every way - from the tones - the composition and to the final attitude in her stance and expression.
Guest 19-Oct-2006 10:57
Great kid portrait. The composition and tone... perfect.
bygaspo19-Oct-2006 09:22
Brilliant. Has my vote. Regards Bygaspo.
Clyne19-Oct-2006 08:22
So good! I love this kind of image and you nailed this one - the subject, composition, dof, toning... great!
Guest 19-Oct-2006 06:31
Very nice framing, David; do you know "flydragon"? If you don't go to his gallery....
Kal Khogali19-Oct-2006 05:49
Lovely image David...the start of the journey. A great pose ;-)K
AL19-Oct-2006 01:26
A lovely girl with a lovely pose :-) Really like your toning, dof and composition. I got a soft spot for children. She (and you) got my vote!
Craig Persel18-Oct-2006 22:57
Outstanding portrait and composition. Vote.
Guest 18-Oct-2006 18:03
lovely work! is she really there?: she is so sharp ... lovely DOF, bokeh, B&W tones ... everything, really
Ray :)18-Oct-2006 16:45
Classic indeed. Needs to be seen more widely.
Oleg Birioukov18-Oct-2006 16:23
Remarkable image, David! Bravo! (V)
Squared C18-Oct-2006 15:00
Wow, Ruth beat me to it! What a classic shot! Wonderful DOF and exposure. You've nailed this one!
ruthemily18-Oct-2006 14:29
a classic image...this far surpasses most of the photos i've seen recently, and i've been reading a lot of photographic journals and the like. the focus and toning are exquisite, and the look on the girl's face is crying out to be answered.
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