dprchallenges | profile | all galleries >> DPR Macro Challenges >> DPR Macro Challenges Rules | tree view | thumbnails | slideshow |
Please resize your photos to 1000 pixels max on the longer side before posting, keep in mind that the PBase 'large' size is 800px on the longer side and that is the default viewing size, so you need to select 'original' to see images larger than 800px.
Please also keep file sizes under control by using the maximum compression that still allows for good image quality. That means most files should be 300-350kB or smaller, even if they're 1000px on the longer side.
Challenges start by Friday each week where possible and run for 7 days.
The host decides the results and announces them in the dpreview main thread the following Thursday, ready to start the next Challenge on the Friday. The exact times will be decided by the host.