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"Wing(s)" Challenge: August 2013

August Challenge of the Month
August Challenge of the Month
by Liz Bickel
Flying monkey
Flying monkey
by Breezanemom
Idaho Dragonfly (Odonata)
Idaho Dragonfly (Odonata)
can u see my wings??
can u see my wings??
folded wing
folded wing
by foto-baja-mex
addolesent Cardinal
addolesent Cardinal
by ro3bert
Wings for RC models
Wings for RC models
by Dale R. Palmer
Wings of a different kind
Wings of a different kind
by Dale R. Palmer
Tiny Wings
Tiny Wings
by Dale R. Palmer
Wings in Flight 1.
Wings in Flight 1.
Pelican Glide
Pelican Glide
by Laura Milholland
With Wings, I See the Clouds
With Wings, I See the Clouds
by Dale R. Palmer
Pipevine Swallowtail
Pipevine Swallowtail
by Laura Milholland
by Breezanemom
Just wings
Just wings
by Breezanemom
Pelican Shrug
Pelican Shrug
by Laura Milholland
Wings at Breakfast
Wings at Breakfast
Damaged Wing
Damaged Wing
Wings in Flight 2
Wings in Flight 2
Green Helicopter Wings
Green Helicopter Wings
Canada Goose
Canada Goose
by Laura Milholland
Cormorant Dispute
Cormorant Dispute
by Laura Milholland
Chip Chip wings
Chip Chip wings
Corbeaux Posing
Corbeaux Posing
Cicada Wings
Cicada Wings
osprey bridge
osprey bridge
by foto-baja-mex