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"Pastels" Challenge: April 2013

Pastel Door
Pastel Door
All Gone But the Pastel Colored Box
All Gone But the Pastel Colored Box
by Dale R. Palmer
Papaya Flower
Papaya Flower
by Dale R. Palmer
Mexican Hat Plant
Mexican Hat Plant
by Dale R. Palmer
Little Doll in Pastels
Little Doll in Pastels
by Laura Milholland
Pastel Bowls
Pastel Bowls
Ice-Plant Yellow
Ice-Plant Yellow
Hanging Pottery
Hanging Pottery
by Diane Hoy
Grape Hyacinth
Grape Hyacinth
Jefferson Memorial
Jefferson Memorial
Cherry Blossom
Cherry Blossom
Jelly Fish
Jelly Fish
Spider-on-jade-plant-Haiku by Casse
Spider-on-jade-plant-Haiku by Casse
Snowy egret in flight
Snowy egret in flight
Pretty In Pink
Pretty In Pink
by Canonball
Pastel door wreath
Pastel door wreath
Dark Pastel
Dark Pastel
by foto-baja-mex
17th orchid
17th orchid
by foto-baja-mex
Peach Swirls
Peach Swirls
by Laura Milholland
Florida Pastels
Florida Pastels
Pastel Sunrise
Pastel Sunrise
Abbey Duck
Abbey Duck
Pastel Bird
Pastel Bird
by foto-baja-mex
Pink & Fuschia Orchid
Pink & Fuschia Orchid
by Laura Milholland
Pastel Basics
Pastel Basics
Pastel Apartments
Pastel Apartments
by Laura Milholland
Old Costumes
Old Costumes
Disney pastels
Disney pastels
Subtle Pastels of Amman
Subtle Pastels of Amman
Spring Colors
Spring Colors
by Laura Milholland