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Digital Photography Forum | profile | all galleries >> DPF: Over the Years >> Other Archives >> DPF "Challenge of the Month" Archives >> 2013: the Year in Review >> edit this gallery tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

World Wide Challenge: New Years Day 2013

January 1st, 2013, there will be a one day World Wide Photo Challenge.

Photograph anything you want between 12:01 AM and 11:59 PM your time (where ever you may live in the world).
The subject doesn't matter. Your photo can even be just a snap shot; if that is all you have time for. Or it can be more.
No matter what, join the group and take a photo.

One Photo Entry Per Member. It's the First Day of a New Year!
To upload an image: Go to for upload instructions.
12:01 AM to 11:59 PM January 1st, 2013
12:01 AM to 11:59 PM January 1st, 2013
Wealth, Friendship, and Good Luck
Wealth, Friendship, and Good Luck
by Liz Bickel
All the best for 2013 by Shona
All the best for 2013 by Shona
A beer and football
A beer and football
Beach Siting by Jong Kong
"Beach Siting" by Jong Kong
Last of the Red & Green by Walt Polley
"Last of the Red & Green" by Walt Polley
2013 Takes Off!
2013 Takes Off!
by Laura Milholland
Handle with care by Gary Shannon
Handle with care by Gary Shannon
Ready for the New Year
Ready for the New Year
by Dale R. Palmer
Creating a photography studio by Cassie
Creating a photography studio by Cassie
On safari in Florida by Lisa Larson
On safari in Florida by Lisa Larson