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DPF "Best of 2013"

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The Gallery is for our Members 4 personal Favorite Photos shot during 2013.
Upload all 4 of your entries at the same time.
Add your name in the "artist" box.
PLEASE remove the image file # and the .jpg suffix
Then, put a descriptive name in the "title" box.
Canon 1Dx
Canon 1Dx
by Liz Bickel
Panasonic FZ200
Panasonic FZ200
by Liz Bickel
Samsung Galaxy 4 Cell Phone
Samsung Galaxy 4 Cell Phone
by Liz Bickel
Canon 7D
Canon 7D
by Liz Bickel
Baby Baboon In Mother's Arms
Baby Baboon In Mother's Arms
by Laura Milholland
The Merced River - Yosemite Valley
The Merced River - Yosemite Valley
by Laura Milholland
Six Egrets In Flight
Six Egrets In Flight
by Laura Milholland
Cicada on Iris
Cicada on Iris
by Laura Milholland
Chat Time
Chat Time
by Rosemary Woods
Fashion Runway
Fashion Runway
by Rosemary Woods
Glamour shot
Glamour shot
by Rosemary Woods
Sonoran Desert Morning
Sonoran Desert Morning
by Rosemary Woods
Quiet pond at Stevenson University by Walt
Quiet pond at Stevenson University by Walt
Pointsettia macro from Longwood Gardens by Walt
Pointsettia macro from Longwood Gardens by Walt
Crimson Tide Chrysanthemum by Walt
Crimson Tide Chrysanthemum by Walt
Lenten Rose Hellebore at Longwood Gardens by Walt
Lenten Rose Hellebore at Longwood Gardens by Walt
Silky Water by Dave Churchill
Silky Water by Dave Churchill
The Treasury by Dave Churchill
The Treasury by Dave Churchill
Idaho State Capitol Rotunda by Dave Churchill
Idaho State Capitol Rotunda by Dave Churchill
Foothill Panorama by Dave Churchill
Foothill Panorama by Dave Churchill
by Breezanemom
Matt and his new kite
Matt and his new kite
by Breezanemom
by Breezanemom
Bald Eagle
Bald Eagle
by Breezanemom
December 18 by Debbie
December 18 by Debbie
November 12 by Debbie
November 12 by Debbie
September 15 by Debbie
September 15 by Debbie
August 19 by Debbie
August 19 by Debbie
by Sharon Day
by Sharon Day
Wyoming Tetons
Wyoming Tetons
by Sharon Day
Idaho Tetons
Idaho Tetons
by Sharon Day
by Dale R. Palmer
Long Tailed Skipper Butterfly on a Yellow Flower
Long Tailed Skipper Butterfly on a Yellow Flower
by Dale R. Palmer
by Dale R. Palmer
Pink  & White
Pink & White
by Dale R. Palmer