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"Children" Challenge - May 2013

On the Beach
On the Beach
Go Play!
Go Play!
by Canonball
Show's over, but we're still waiting for more!
Show's over, but we're still waiting for more!
Exquisite Smile
Exquisite Smile
One, Two, Three. . . .
One, Two, Three. . . .
by Laura Milholland
Little girl, big glasses
Little girl, big glasses
by momad30044
A Prized Possession
A Prized Possession
by Dale R. Palmer
An Evening at The Carnival
An Evening at The Carnival
Birthday Cupcakes
Birthday Cupcakes
Mother and Daughter 2013
Mother and Daughter 2013
by foto-baja-mex
A Day at the Park
A Day at the Park
A Bumble Bee Smile
A Bumble Bee Smile
by Laura Milholland
Hip Hop Girl
Hip Hop Girl
Common Goal
Common Goal
Ferris Wheel
Ferris Wheel
Mother Knows Best
Mother Knows Best
Spring Blossoms - Jonah
Spring Blossoms - Jonah
Spring Blossoms - Keira
Spring Blossoms - Keira
Abby and Maria playing dress up
Abby and Maria playing dress up
Abby All Dressed Up
Abby All Dressed Up
Maria All Dressed Up
Maria All Dressed Up
Someone's Gathering
Someone's Gathering
by foto-baja-mex
Kid with flags
Kid with flags
by Breezanemom
A Sucker for Photography
A Sucker for Photography
by Laura Milholland
Baby Toad
Baby Toad
Are we having fun yet?
"Are we having fun yet?"
by Laura Milholland
Are they still children?
Are they still children?
by Breezanemom
Playing in the Pool
Playing in the Pool
I'm A Big Girl Now!
I'm A Big Girl Now!
by Laura Milholland