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Chris & Kim | profile | all galleries >> Trips and events >> 01/24/04 (Charlestown Hike Trail 3) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

01/24/04 (Charlestown Hike Trail 3)

This gallery will be updated after each trip. Since we often visit more than one park per weekend this will make it easier to see what we did last :>
Our hiking took us to some remote places in the park today.
Our hiking took us to some remote places in the park today.
John and Biscuit resting for a minute.
John and Biscuit resting for a minute.
No trails here...
No trails here...
Biscuit helps Beverly with the cache by giving her a kiss.
Biscuit helps Beverly with the cache by giving her a kiss.
Processing the cache allows for a short break for everyone.
Processing the cache allows for a short break for everyone.
Then it's on to the next one...
Then it's on to the next one...
Trail 3 bridge
Trail 3 bridge
There were a couple small, semi frozen waterfalls along the way.
There were a couple small, semi frozen waterfalls along the way.
Beverly at the top of the rock formation.
Beverly at the top of the rock formation.
The elevation numbers don't match...
The elevation numbers don't match...