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Doug Kessler | all galleries >> PaD Gallery >> 2007 > 3/13/07- Mom 1947
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3/13/07- Mom 1947

Marion M. Kessler
I believe this was taken in Delano, California

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Greg Harp20-Mar-2007 01:40
Terrific shot. You're lucky to have this.
lordbud15-Mar-2007 13:50
People had s-t-y-l-e back then.
Dave Wixx15-Mar-2007 02:48
She looked like she was a doll in her day. Lovely old keepsake.
Jen Bixler14-Mar-2007 21:15
She looks like a movie star!
What a great image to have. Thanks for sharing.
Craig Persel13-Mar-2007 23:12
Great shot.
Deborah Lewis13-Mar-2007 16:47
Great memories - She was beautiful!
Guest 13-Mar-2007 09:16
Mrs Kessler was a beautiful and elegant woman!
Gary Winters13-Mar-2007 05:41
Ah, memories! Great to have these shots around, isn't it?
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