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Doug Kessler | all galleries >> Galleries >> PaD Alternates > Night Lights
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Night Lights

Part of the Challenge thingy....: )

Nikon D70
1/4s f/6.3 at 18.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Gary Winters10-Nov-2006 17:27
Long as you're up, can I have a brewski please?
Debbie B.10-Nov-2006 05:59
Cool thingy!!!
Michael Shpuntov10-Nov-2006 04:30
Very cool Doug. What is this? You should have post it in the forum here
Just go there hit reply and post the link. I like it a lot.
Guest 10-Nov-2006 03:44
Perfect exposure!
AL10-Nov-2006 03:33
Great play with exposure. Cool!
Jen Bixler10-Nov-2006 02:46
I like how the vending machine seems to melt into the back fountain.
fred_il09-Nov-2006 20:07
Excellent! VOte!
Guest 09-Nov-2006 16:16
excellent composition
De'Carr Studio09-Nov-2006 15:25
Super image, Doug. Vote
Sheila09-Nov-2006 15:17
Great light and water shot!
Dan Chusid09-Nov-2006 15:06
Hope you didn't get soaked to get some night light!
: )
royalld09-Nov-2006 14:43
Very unique POV. Nice exposure.
Deborah Lewis09-Nov-2006 14:41
Great entry for the Challenge thingy!
Eckhart Derschmidt09-Nov-2006 13:50
Took me quite some time to realize that this is a fountain. Great one!
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