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Doug Kessler | all galleries >> Galleries >> PaD Alternates > DSC_6315b.jpg
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Anyone know the make and year of this fine auto?

Nikon D70
1/2000s f/4.5 at 56.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
AL18-Sep-2006 15:12
Oh wow! Very very cool classic beauty. Gonna love your focus, toning and vignetting effect. Gorgeous! Huge vote.
Guest 16-Sep-2006 13:25
What a classic. Love the treatment ~ it makes me think of the days of black and white TV...
Rob Rosetti15-Sep-2006 16:44
Love the treatment Doug!
Barbara Heide15-Sep-2006 01:27
excellent treatment and wonderful car...whatever it is!
Guenter Eh14-Sep-2006 05:50
I guess Royalld is right:
A classical beauty in a classical sepia treatment!
Guest 14-Sep-2006 03:14
That's a nice one, whatever it is. Excellent treatment and vignettage for this vintage.
Guest 14-Sep-2006 01:19
Wow! perfect treatment for the subject and light. Automobile art for sure.
Deborah Lewis14-Sep-2006 01:16
All I know is that my father had one exactly like it! Thanks for the memories!
royalld14-Sep-2006 01:13
Definately a General Motors product. I think '57 Oldsmobile.
Mindy McNaugher14-Sep-2006 00:49
Fabulous sepia-toned image! Love the rich tones, but have no idea the make or year! Vote!
Dan Chusid14-Sep-2006 00:48
Chevy Bel Aire or Impala?
57 or 58?
Jen Bixler14-Sep-2006 00:39
Way before my time ;o)))

This is a cool image...I half expect to hear the sound of one of those old movie reels! Cool!
Ray :)14-Sep-2006 00:27
Like an old sepia slide.
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