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Doug Kessler | all galleries >> Galleries >> 1000+ Views > Tehachapi Wind Turbines
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Tehachapi Wind Turbines

The Tehachapi Wind Farm, with around 5,000 wind turbines, is the second largest collection of wind generators in the world (the largest is at the Altamont pass, near Livermore and the San Francisco Bay area), but is now the largest wind power array in the world in output. The turbines are operated by a dozen private companies, and collectively produce about 800 million kilowatt-hours of electricity, enough to meet the residential needs of 350,000 people every year. With over 15,000 turbines in the state (7,000 at Altamont and 3,000 at San Gorgonio Pass, near Palm Springs), wind power in California makes up about 1% of California's electricity.

Nikon D70
1/1000s f/7.1 at 70.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Rob Rosetti06-Jun-2006 17:19
Excellent "vision". Stunning! Roberto
Sue Robertson06-Jun-2006 12:56
My goodness, what a scene! Straight out of the future.
SRW05-Jun-2006 22:14
Great picture and caption... -- thanks for sharing... (V)
Guest 05-Jun-2006 16:52
POWERful vote from me. :)
Guest 05-Jun-2006 14:09
Wow, an amazing scene Doug. Very impressive image. All these monly make 1% incredible
royalld05-Jun-2006 13:30
Dramatic view.
Our use/abuse of energy will have to change.
We rely on alot of solar energy aboard S/V Shibumi.
I am amazed at how much electricity we get from four solar panels.
A wind generator is on our list of equipment to add one day.
Craig Persel05-Jun-2006 12:39
Excellent capture. Every bit of clean, alternative energy sources is helpful. Combine that reducinng consumption and nationalizing the petroleum companies and we might start getting somewhere. :-)
Guest 05-Jun-2006 12:29
Very impressing!!!And the quantity and the quality Doug!!!
Guenter Eh05-Jun-2006 10:55
In my suburbian neighbourhood there are 2 (two) wind turbines - 5000 - unbelievable! The world needs power - where would be the end? Super-compo Doug!
Guest 05-Jun-2006 10:23
5000!!!! Very impressive. 1% is not enough (probably the solution is to reduce the overall consumption), but is a good start.
AL05-Jun-2006 04:31
YES, my wish came true! I'm biased, I'm gonna cast a powerful vote for this ;-))) Great commentary. Love the rich tones and the busy detail. OMG truly amazing!
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