I here inform on some of the publications I have contributed to over the years. Sometimes a single picture, sometimes a lot. Sometimes a postage stamp size, in several cases the front page. Unfortunately I cannot show my contribution to the BBC program The story of the guitar. It has been broadcast in probably 2009, for a few seconds I saw my picture of an Hittite "early guitar" on screen. It is in my Ankara museum gallery though. In February 2015 the BBC used a picture of mine in an article on their website concerning Syrian art being sold by IS.
Articles have appeared about me in several newspapers in Turkish: Hürriyet, Radikal and Sabah. And in 2022 in Anadolu Ajansı.
101 Yapi ve yer
101 Buildings and sites
A History of the modern Middle East
Absolute essentials of Islam
Air Berlin in-flight magazine
Annual of the British School at Athens issue 117
Another look at E and SE Turkey
Archaeology of a World of Changes
Architektur Osmanischer Karawanseraien Teil 1
Architektur Osmanischer Karawanseraien. Teil 2
Armenien Kultur-Natur-Menschen
Artisans et commerçants
Arts & Cultures
Asezari Umane 1
Asezari Umane 2
Asezari Umane 3
Assyria to Iberia
Bible studies 2014 January issue
Biblical archaeological review
Bits 2
Byzantium Japanese
Caballos para el circo
Carpetcollector - Bieber
Central Periphery?
Champs de bataille
Children of Achilles
City journal
Clara 9 2022.jpg
Controlling Contested Places
Critical Encounters - Nasser Rabbat
Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity (CSLA) database
Das Goldene Bizanz
Das Romische Spielewesen ...
Deuteronomy and the Material Transmission of Tradition
Die andere Turkei
Drunk: how we sipped, danced, and stumbled our way to civilization
Discovering Islamic Art
Diversity in design
DK Eyewitness Travel Turkey
Dress and Personal Apprearance in Late Antiquity
Dynastie by Tom Holland
Dynasty by Tom Holland
El Estilo
Et Lutece devint Paris
Eyewitness Travel Istanbul
Faith alone is not enough
Friends of Anatolia
Gendered - Art and Feminist Theory
Gouverner en Islam
Greco-Roman cities of Aegean Turkey
Heaven and earth
Hermes Explains
Histoire antique et medievale
Holy Wars
Hunde in der römischen Antike: Rassen/Typen - Zucht - Haltung und Verwendung
Hymns of Orpheus
Immagine e parola
In Turchia
Islamic Architecture A world history.jpg
Islamic Geometric Patterns.jpg
Istanbul bitmeden
La certera de los Dioses
La colonna danzante
La société de l'Empire romain d'Orient.jpg
Latin 3e
L'arte armena e oltre.jpg
Lenguaje Y Biodiversidad
Le Proche-Orient: De Pompée à Muhammad
Lived Religion in the Ancient Mediterranean World
Marble Past, Monumental Present
Macedoniam armies before Philip II
Medisch Contact
Mesopotamia, Syria etc
Mildenhall treasure - 2016
Mildenhall treasure
Neue Zuercher Zeitung
New testament essays
No encalço de Hércules?
Otttoman Baroque.jpg
Ottoman Turkish Women's Getting Dressed Guide
Pottery, Pavements and Paradise
Pharao Alexander
Roman Art 6E
SIS Bulletin 156
Song of wrath
Het lied van de wrok
Symmetry in Crystallography
Syria Geschichte einer zerstörten Welt
Tamta's world
The Armenian communities of Asia Minor
The Army of Alexander the Great
The art of goldsmithing 1
The art of goldsmithing 2
The end of Greek athletics in Late Antiquity
The Medieval Military Engineer
The Numismatist
The Ordered Day
The Origin and Character of God
The poison King
The Practical Christology of Philoxenos of Mabbug
The Turkish Language Explained for English Speakers