Not far from Termessos is a cave that is amongst the oldest inhabited places in Anatolia, in Turkish Karain Mağarası. At this cave a notice tells us cave excavations under Prof. Kiliç Kökten have been going on from 1946 till 1973, bringing to light finds from Paleolithic, Neolithic, Chalcholitic and Early Bronze Age, indicating continuous habitation. Wall engravings and votive niches of the Classical Age indicate the cave functioned as a temple also, Artifacts of rhinoceros, elephant, hippopotamus have been found, as well as Homo Sapiens fossils from the age of Middle Paleolithic, Neanderthal and Late Paleolithic. Under Prof. ışın Yalçınkaya excavations have continued from 1985.
I took pictures inside, there was no digging going on and no one could help explain. It was strange to be in such a special place, but the pictures show just lots of naked rock and some indications of how archaeologists mark their work area.