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Dick Osseman | all galleries >> Galleries >> Didyma Turkey > Didyma 2007 4492.jpg
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Didyma 2007 4492.jpg

Also across the street from the temple, a bit further, is part of the Artemision. It looked as if one could not visit, and since the bus to Akköy, which is one the way to Miletus, which I wanted to visit next, honked its horn I got on that bus. So just this one shot of what well may be traces of the holy road that connected Miletus (19 kilometres futher on) to the Didyma temple. The direction seemed right.

Nikon D2x
1/180s f/8.0 at 24.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 29-Mar-2009 19:44
I enjoyed your pictures. Have been to Turkey but not that part. Bodrum
area will have to be at the top of my list now. WKB in Delaware