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Dick Osseman | all galleries >> Istanbul >> Museums - Müzeler >> Istanbul archaeology museum >> Ancient Sarcophagi >> Alexander sarcophagus > Alexander Sarcophagus battle
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Alexander Sarcophagus battle

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The Alexander sarcophagus (which represents Alexander, but is not “his” sarcophagus, that one was in Alexandria and has been lost) is the most important find in the museum, and beautiful. It’s from the late 4th century BC, from Sidon. It is supposed to have been the sarcophagus in which a Phoenician King, Abdalonymnos, was laid to rest.

On one short side a small battle scene between Persian and Greek warriors is depicted, here you see it. Actually three battle scenes are shown in one. The battle may have been that of Gazze 312) during which King Abdalonymos was killed.

For years this picture has been presented with right and left mirrored, that has now been corrected.

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