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Dick Osseman | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Burdur tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map


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From the Wikipedia: Burdur, is a city southwestern Turkey and the seat of the Burdur Province of Turkey. It is located at 37.7202778°N 30.2908333°E, on the shore of Lake Burdur. Its estimated 2010 population is 78,389.

I visited the town in June 2012 for one reason, which was to visit its museum, amongst other things housing finds from Sagalassos. I found the museum to be very rich with fine displays. The town is much more modern than I show it to be: I passed through much of it without taking pictures, and only took some after my museum visit. Sorry for this neglect.
Burdur archaeological museum
Burdur archaeological museum
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