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Dick Osseman | profile | all galleries >> Gaziantep pictures - Turkey >> Museums in Gaziantep >> Gaziantep - Archeaeological Museum tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Gaziantep - Archeaeological Museum

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This museum used to be the spot where mosaics were shown. In 2011 a new special museum opened, see its gallery. In December of that year I found the museum housed only what remained: statues, coins, cylinder seals and such, which I now show in a sub-gallery “Old situation”. Although I may transfer some to my new pictures. Because in 2019 I found the displays had improved a lot, as there was plenty of space. So most pictures now are of the new situation.
Gaziantep Archaeology museum Periods sept 2019 4208.jpg
Gaziantep Archaeology museum Periods sept 2019 4208.jpg
Gaziantep Archaeology museum Hunters gatherers sept 2019 4209.jpg
Gaziantep Archaeology museum Hunters gatherers sept 2019 4209.jpg
Gaziantep Archaeology museum Hunters gatherers sept 2019 4210.jpg
Gaziantep Archaeology museum Hunters gatherers sept 2019 4210.jpg
Gaziantep Archaeology museum Hunters gatherers sept 2019 4211.jpg
Gaziantep Archaeology museum Hunters gatherers sept 2019 4211.jpg
Gaziantep Archaeology museum Human figure sept 2019 4212.jpg
Gaziantep Archaeology museum Human figure sept 2019 4212.jpg
Gaziantep Archaeology museum Human figure sept 2019 4213.jpg
Gaziantep Archaeology museum Human figure sept 2019 4213.jpg
Gaziantep dec 2008 7025.jpg
Gaziantep dec 2008 7025.jpg
Gaziantep dec 2008 7026.jpg
Gaziantep dec 2008 7026.jpg
Cylinder seals
Cylinder seals
Bronze age finds
Bronze age finds
Gaziantep Archaeology museum Bronze age displays sept 2019 4241.jpg
Gaziantep Archaeology museum Bronze age displays sept 2019 4241.jpg
Gaziantep Archaeology museum Gaziantep Kale hill finds sept 2019 4244.jpg
Gaziantep Archaeology museum Gaziantep Kale hill finds sept 2019 4244.jpg
Gaziantep Archaeology museum Pressing olive oil sept 2019 4261.jpg
Gaziantep Archaeology museum Pressing olive oil sept 2019 4261.jpg
Gaziantep Archaeology museum Pressing olive oil sept 2019 4263.jpg
Gaziantep Archaeology museum Pressing olive oil sept 2019 4263.jpg
Gaziantep Archaeology museum Late Assyrian Period Stela sept 2019 4286.jpg
Gaziantep Archaeology museum Late Assyrian Period Stela sept 2019 4286.jpg
Gaziantep Archaeology museum Late Assyrian Period Stela sept 2019 4287.jpg
Gaziantep Archaeology museum Late Assyrian Period Stela sept 2019 4287.jpg
Hittite finds
Hittite finds
Gaziantep Archaeology museum Bronze objects sept 2019 4389.jpg
Gaziantep Archaeology museum Bronze objects sept 2019 4389.jpg
Iron age finds
Iron age finds
Persian period finds
Persian period finds
Hellenistic Period finds
Hellenistic Period finds
Roman Period finds
Roman Period finds
Gaziantep Archaeology museum Seljuk Sphinx sept 2019 4434.jpg
Gaziantep Archaeology museum Seljuk Sphinx sept 2019 4434.jpg
Gaziantep dec 2008 7020.jpg
Gaziantep dec 2008 7020.jpg
Gaziantep dec 2008 7073.jpg
Gaziantep dec 2008 7073.jpg
Gaziantep dec 2008 7015.jpg
Gaziantep dec 2008 7015.jpg
Gaziantep dec 2008 7059.jpg
Gaziantep dec 2008 7059.jpg
Gaziantep museum burial gift
Gaziantep museum burial gift
Gaziantep dec 2008 7061.jpg
Gaziantep dec 2008 7061.jpg
Gaziantep dec 2008 7062.jpg
Gaziantep dec 2008 7062.jpg
Gaziantep dec 2008 7063.jpg
Gaziantep dec 2008 7063.jpg
Gaziantep dec 2008 7064.jpg
Gaziantep dec 2008 7064.jpg
Gaziantep 092007 0401.jpg
Gaziantep 092007 0401.jpg
Gaziantep 092007 0402.jpg
Gaziantep 092007 0402.jpg
Gaziantep Museum 4183
Gaziantep Museum 4183
Gaziantep dec 2008 7021.jpg
Gaziantep dec 2008 7021.jpg
Gaziantep dec 2008 7022.jpg
Gaziantep dec 2008 7022.jpg
Gaziantep dec 2008 7023.jpg
Gaziantep dec 2008 7023.jpg
Gaziantep dec 2008 7027.jpg
Gaziantep dec 2008 7027.jpg