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Gaziantep mosques

I intend to group the many pictures of mosques that I took over the years. I get them from several earlier galleries, it may take a while.

I'd appreciate help in identification and/or correcting: I find little information on the web with the exception of one decent site, though I find some of the information there to be obviously from notices that I took pictures of myself, so it seems to contain little "research".
Ağa Camii
Ağa Camii
Alaüddevle mosque
Alaüddevle mosque
Alaybey mosque
Alaybey mosque
Ali Nacar Mosque
Ali Nacar Mosque
Hacı Nasır mosque
Hacı Nasır mosque
Hacı Veli mosque
Hacı Veli mosque
Handanbey mosque
Handanbey mosque
Hüseyin Pasha mosque
Hüseyin Pasha mosque
Gaziantep Ihsan Bey Camii
Gaziantep Ihsan Bey Camii
Karatarla Mosque
Karatarla Mosque
Kozluca Mosque
Kozluca Mosque
Kurtulus Camii
Kurtulus Camii
Nuhri Mehmet Mosque
Nuhri Mehmet Mosque
Ömeriye mosque
Ömeriye mosque
Shey Fethullah Mosque
Shey Fethullah Mosque
Şirvani Mosque
Şirvani Mosque
Tahtani Cami
Tahtani Cami
Gaziantep 8485
Gaziantep 8485
Gaziantep 8531
Gaziantep 8531
Gaziantep December 2011  2153.jpg
Gaziantep December 2011 2153.jpg
Gaziantep December 2011  2151.jpg
Gaziantep December 2011 2151.jpg
Gaziantep 8541
Gaziantep 8541
Gaziantep Karşıyaka Camii 0409.jpg
Gaziantep Karşıyaka Camii 0409.jpg
Gaziantep Karşıyaka Camii 0410.jpg
Gaziantep Karşıyaka Camii 0410.jpg
Gaziantep dec 2008 7124.jpg
Gaziantep dec 2008 7124.jpg
Gaziantep dec 2008 7125.jpg
Gaziantep dec 2008 7125.jpg