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Akkush Tekkiraz

Bütün Türkiye resimleri için buraya basınız
This gallery is in the Black Sea hinterland topic
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Tekkiraz and Akkuş (White Bird) are two small towns in the Hinterland of the Black Sea, South of Ünye (see that gallery), on the road to Niksar and Tokat. One of the great charms of the Black Sea region is that one quickly rises high above sea level into a hilly landscape, peppered with villages. For a Dutchman 1200, 1300 meters (Akkuş) is four times higher than the own country allows. I made several walks in the country at Akkuş, and one near Tekkiraz (taking a DolmuŞ from Ünye). I hardly took pictures of the places themselves (they are nice, but ordinary), and a lot of the nature I came across. As always, people were very friendly. The season was early fall, harvest was everywhere, some trees were changing the colour of their leaves somewhat.


Tekkiraz ve Akkuş; Karadeniz’in iç kısımlarında, Ünye’nin kuzeyinde, Niksar ve Tokat yolu üzerinde iki küçük kasaba. Karadeniz’in en cezbedici yanlarından biri, deniz seviyesinden çok çabuk bir şekilde, köylerle çevrelenmiş çok yüksek tepelik arazilere çıkılabilmesi. Hollandalı biri için 1200, 1300 metre (Akkuş) kendi ülkesindeki yüksekliğin dört kat fazlası. Akkuş’ta birkaç, Tekkiraz yakınlarında da bir yürüyüş yaptım (Ünye’den dolmuşla gittim). Her iki yerde de çok az resim çektim (hoş ama sıradan yerler). Geçti ğim yerlerde daha çok doğa resimleri çektim. Her zaman olduğu gibi insanlar çok canayakındı. Sonbaharın başlarıydı, her yerde hasat vardı, bazı ağaçların yapraklarının rengi de bir miktar değişmişti.

Türkçe çeviri: Melek Emir. Katkılarından dolayı teşekkür ederim.
Akkus centre
Akkus centre
Akkus centre
Akkus centre
Akkus internet cafe
Akkus internet cafe
Akkus with low clouds.
Akkus with low clouds.
Akkus with low clouds
Akkus with low clouds
Akkus with low clouds.
Akkus with low clouds.
Akkus at school
Akkus at school
Akkus shortly after leaving town
Akkus shortly after leaving town
Akkus house entrance
Akkus house entrance
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country
Akkus walk in the country