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SNIPES, GODWITS, CURLEWS, REDSHANKS, SANDPIPERS,TURNSTONES & PHALAROPES (Beccaccini, Pittime, Chiurli, Totani, Piro-piro, Piovanelli, Gambecchi, Voltapietre e Falaropi)
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Red Knot (Piovanello maggiore)
Red Knot (Piovanello maggiore)
Sanderling (Piovanello tridattilo)
Sanderling (Piovanello tridattilo)
Purple Sandpiper (Piovanello violetto)
Purple Sandpiper (Piovanello violetto)
Turnstone (Voltapietre)
Turnstone (Voltapietre)
Dunlin (Piovanello pancianera)
Dunlin (Piovanello pancianera)
Curlew Sandpiper (Piovanello)
Curlew Sandpiper (Piovanello)
Little Stint (Gambecchio)
Little Stint (Gambecchio)
Common Sandpiper (Piro-piro piccolo)
Common Sandpiper (Piro-piro piccolo)
Spotted Sandpiper (Piro piro macchiato)
Spotted Sandpiper (Piro piro macchiato)
Green Sandpiper (Piro-piro culbianco)
Green Sandpiper (Piro-piro culbianco)
Wood Sandpiper (Piro-piro boschereccio)
Wood Sandpiper (Piro-piro boschereccio)
Terek Sandpiper (Piro-piro del Terek)
Terek Sandpiper (Piro-piro del Terek)
Redshank (Pettegola)
Redshank (Pettegola)
Greenshank (Pantana)
Greenshank (Pantana)
Marsh Sandpiper (Albastrello)
Marsh Sandpiper (Albastrello)
Bar-tailed Godwit (Pittima minore)
Bar-tailed Godwit (Pittima minore)
Black-tailed Godwit (Pittima reale)
Black-tailed Godwit (Pittima reale)
Whimbrel (Chiurlo piccolo)
Whimbrel (Chiurlo piccolo)
Eurasian Curlew (Chiurlo maggiore)
Eurasian Curlew (Chiurlo maggiore)
Common Snipe (Beccaccino)
Common Snipe (Beccaccino)
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