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Richard | all galleries >> Galleries >> Our Trip to Japan: May, 2014 > Todai-ji Temple's Main Hall, Daibutsuden (Great Buddha Hall) - the largest wooden structure in the world - in Nara Park, Nara
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Todai-ji Temple's Main Hall, Daibutsuden (Great Buddha Hall) - the largest wooden structure in the world - in Nara Park, Nara

Todai-ji is a Buddhist temple originally built in 752 c.e. It was reconstructed in 1692 c.e. but only at 2/3 the size of the original temple - still very large. No nails were used in its construction. At first (752 c.e.) Todai-ji was the head temple for all Japanese Buddhist temples. Currently it is the Japanese headquarters for one sect of Buddhism - Kegon.

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