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Richard | all galleries >> Galleries >> Richard's trip to the South with three Brooklyn buddies from way back when: late March-early April, 2014 > Norbert our guide, Ken and Elliott on Lake Martin. Norbert has been hunting alligators for decades - gator head is in the boat.
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Norbert our guide, Ken and Elliott on Lake Martin. Norbert has been hunting alligators for decades - gator head is in the boat.

In southwestern Louisiana.
Norbert is very knowledgeable about the local ecology and wild life of Lake Martin and the surrounding area. He is friendly and humorous and speaks English and French. He has been featured in two articles in National Geographic and has been interviewed on national media about the local area.
Lake Martin is what many people imagine when they think of southwestern Louisiana. It is an official wildlife sanctuary with a huge population of nesting alligators and thousands upon thousands of migratory birds nesting in the surrounding forest of oak, cypress and tupelo trees. Perhaps one reason so many birds nest here is the local alligators keep predators, such as raccoons away.

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