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CVU vs SBurl Field Hockey 08

I got a chance to take some photos of a friend of ours, Lida, on the CVU JV Field Hockey team -- along with her teammate Sarah -- as they battled South Burlington early in the 2008 season ... My first try at Field Hockey photos ... Enjoy.

(Click on the thumbnail to see a larger view ... view them in order with the slideshow feture on this page ... and remember, they are uploaded at low res, just holler if you see something you'd like a high-res printable version of ...)

Sarah on the move
Sarah on the move
Sarah Pushes Upfield
Sarah Pushes Upfield
Sarah Drills One
Sarah Drills One
CVU Supporters
CVU Supporters
Lida On Defense
Lida On Defense
Lida Leads the Cavalry
Lida Leads the Cavalry
Lida Clears One
Lida Clears One
Defense is Ready
Defense is Ready
Lida Disrupts a Break-away
Lida Disrupts a Break-away
Lida Controls
Lida Controls
Lida Challenges
Lida Challenges
Lida Ready on D
Lida Ready on D
Sarah Battles
Sarah Battles
Lida Gathers a Cross
Lida Gathers a Cross
Lida Cuts Across the Goal
Lida Cuts Across the Goal
Lida Deflects a Corner
Lida Deflects a Corner
Lida Defends a Corner
Lida Defends a Corner
Lida Clearing the Zone
Lida Clearing the Zone
Lida Battling
Lida Battling
Lida Puts One On Net
Lida Puts One On Net
Sunset Approaches
Sunset Approaches
Sarah Awaits a Corner
Sarah Awaits a Corner
Sarah Looks for a Cross
Sarah Looks for a Cross
Lida Pushes Forward
Lida Pushes Forward
Lida Floats Upfield
Lida Floats Upfield
Lida Distrupts (on video)
Lida Distrupts (on video)