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CVU vs Colchester Field Hockey 09

Got a chance to Jennie & Steve's Lida and her CVU JV Field Hockey crew take on Colchester -- and were delighted to get to see Allison from Rocket Winter Pitching Clinic playing for the Lakers. Tight game through the first half -- with CVU running away with the victory late. Fun to watch! Here are some snapshots from the sideline ...
Lida Clears
Lida Clears
Caelin on D
Caelin on D
Lida's Lurking
Lida's Lurking
Lida Steals It
Lida Steals It
Lida Advances
Lida Advances
Caelin Drills It
Caelin Drills It
Sarah On The Post
Sarah On The Post
Sarah Controls
Sarah Controls
Sarah's Ready
Sarah's Ready
Lida Watches
Lida Watches
Lida Fires On Net
Lida Fires On Net
Sarah Charges
Sarah Charges
Allison on D
Allison on D
Allison Pokes It Away
Allison Pokes It Away
Allison's Ready
Allison's Ready
Allison on Guard
Allison on Guard
Lida Races Upfield
Lida Races Upfield
Allison Smashes One
Allison Smashes One
Lida Drives One
Lida Drives One
Lida's Stick Magic
Lida's Stick Magic
Sarah Nearly Scores
Sarah Nearly Scores
Sarah Battles
Sarah Battles
Lida Sends It In
Lida Sends It In
Sarah's Close Again
Sarah's Close Again
CVU Defense Looks On
CVU Defense Looks On
Matching Up
Matching Up
Caelin Pokes Breaks It Up
Caelin Pokes Breaks It Up
Sarah's Open
Sarah's Open
Post Game Celebration
Post Game Celebration
Group Hug!
Group Hug!