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Donna Race | profile | all galleries >> Olympus SP-560 ~ West Virginia Images >> Our WV Hollow ~ Olympus SP-560 >> Wood Frogs in WV ~ 2008 >> Wood Frogs in WV, Part 2 ~ 2008 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Wood Frogs in WV, Part 2 ~ 2008

~~~ More 2008 images of my annual observations of the breeding behavior of Wood Frogs, Rana sylvatica ~~~
e seem to be having an extraordinarily long and active mating season here this year.
They first emerged on Mar 4th seen in this gallery, reappeared Mar 11th and as of today, Mar 15th, some are still active although mostly at night.
"Animal Diversity Web" has interesting information about the Wood Frog and has given me some guidelines as to what behavior and physical characteristics should be captured.
I have taken hundreds of pictures since Mar 11th, the first nine images were taken that extremely active day.
This was the first time I saw a "tangle" of frogs create such a fury, and I did my best to capture the essence of this activity with the SP-560.
The most recent are uploaded to the end of the gallery.
Please click on a thumbnail for the exif and to stop the slideshow.
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